2010. március 28., vasárnap


Slowly this rushing world can’t keep up even with itself. - I’ve had it.
The constant hypocrisy; the unscrupulous materialistic point of views; and the voracious thirst for money. Slowly everything human will die out of humanity. And even if I know “life is beautiful” and “people are good”, it’s getting harder and harder to believe that.

I was/am a college student. I wanted to “freeze” the year, but it was the third and towards the end, and being that, I couldn’t. Due to personal reasons, I didn’t go to two exams. The secretary told me, I should put my name down for (next)third year and I will only pay for the put off exams, since I already paid for all three years of study.
And there I was, standing numb when they said I have to pay the whole year all over again. And for what? So that the school can build waterworks and gigantic parks and a parking lot for itself? And to skimp off the heating from me during winter? Twenty million for two exams? Don’t kid me.

I went to a bookbinder shop. I said I want to learn the profession. – They offered me a seat.

The man working there told me what it’s all about, and then directed me to his master. Called him on the phone and told him there’s someone interested in learning bookbinding. I got the address and went there immediately.
And so my road started. Into the world I feel at home..
Amongst books..